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Sunday, February 9, 2014

Corruption in our country

Corruption is spread in Armenia, and comparing to other countries there is a lot in our country. Corruption is so popular. People use bribe to reach to their main purpose. People say that jobs are given to friends or relatives and I think it is true. I think that this is another way of corruption and it is a little illegal. I myself have not seen such things, but my friends say that such things happen and I believe to them. I think that habit won’t make a big influence on our country, but it is possible that it will make unemployment percentage higher. If I were as a boss of such company I will do it not frequently, I will say to my friends that I do not have place to “fit” them in my company.


  1. what do you think should be done to eliminate corruption in our country?

  2. good answer, we need more people as our leaders in this country!
